yum yum yum yum, loving the slits in the shoulders, like a casual holes-in-shoulders-shirt thinngy. wummy wum yum. so doing that on my stripey dress. primark won't know what hit them. :)

if only i could afford urban outfitters, oh my actual god it's only the best thing in the woooorrrrrld! and you couldn't make it goddamn!

reallllll sweet top! i would looove to do this (if i could be botherted, ever) it's like that plastic netting stuff that you stick on hats and cards and everything! the pictures real sweet as welllllll :) i would do quite a lot of things to get my hands on that flowery wallpaper. and the mask, wow the mask <3>

really sweet dress, and probably not even that hard to do! if i find some nice fancy fabric, i will definately have a go at this!
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