Friday, 4 September 2009

g ducks

here's the poems gabriel duckels has very kindly sent me for supra boring. this is his blog. i wasn't going to put them up (i was going to save them instead) but i really, really love the second one. it may be about a rather distressing subject but it's amazing

Barely male, I have been raised to stumble
over broken bones and hands of stone.
The ache inside has seldom tumbled,
but for snatches of love and mobile phones
whose ring I've dreaded, or begged to hear.
And late nights spent in my own noise
have earned me an anguish, not quite cleared:
I have known the cage of other boys.
A pair of hearts, sweating and tangled;
two outfits thrown onto bedroom floors.
I have left love affairs mad-eyed and jangled,
to greet the same wolves I knew before.
As a boy, I've sometimes been the prince,
or fed the fool, or felt the fist.
Since young known fire, and ever since,
I’ve treasured that danger: a gentle kiss.
I have left my soft bruises on your neck,
dripped down your thigh, and dared to speak.
As boys we do not know the truth yet:
We are most afraid of the games we seek.

Jenny, I think of you
in that bath of blood
the shower shuddering as
the whole world drags and
howls itself down your thighs
from the place inside, Jenny,
that bit of you deep inside
where the moon stopped turning
and it fell down down, now a
mess on the base of the tub.
And you
didn't fall down the stairs you
barely even smoked these months
and it's more than blood
but less than a child, and absolutely
nothing else in the universe exists
besides what is now gone and
stood there,

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