i have nothing better to do than sit on my bed, wobble my bob and breathe in my new (and verrrry nice) incense deeply so i thought i'd write another blog post, just because i'm nice like that. yesterday one of my rabbits died :(. of course it's pretty impolite to have favourites, but he was my favvy simply because he seemed to like me more, and nibbled holes in all my jumpers in an annoying but very cute way. my sister was absolutely heartbroken, she raised them from babbies, when you could hold them in the palm of your hand (seriously, they were like pom-poms). RIP oscar, you'll be sorely missed. my ipod also got wiped, which actually made me cry. probably (definately) a bit (very) sad, but i spent months on that thing, and i don't even have half the music that was on it anymore. when you spend a whole day putting each song with the correct album, year and album cover your ipod being wiped is enough to make you want to smash chairs on people's heads. i was not a happy bunny, then again neither was any of the family :( so much for me being the next thatcher, thanks seb.
i've been reading this lovely little blog called deerlings (& ghostthings) (check the blogs bar <-). not only does the author write the sweetest little posts, but she also takes some stunning photographs. i picked two of my favourites............. i'm really into trees and bleary sunlight at the moment, and i've always wanted to do a film with wisps pf hair in front of it, as if the girl is watching from her actual eyes.
i've been reading this lovely little blog called deerlings (& ghostthings) (check the blogs bar <-). not only does the author write the sweetest little posts, but she also takes some stunning photographs. i picked two of my favourites............. i'm really into trees and bleary sunlight at the moment, and i've always wanted to do a film with wisps pf hair in front of it, as if the girl is watching from her actual eyes.

currently looking for a winter coat (not that i'll buy it, it may be cold but i refuse to accept the dip in temperatures until october) and this GORGEOUS collaboration between jil sander and uniqlo is just perfect perfect perfect, i want a sharp tailoured, dark wool coat and voila. and i'm addicted to jil sander so owning something designed by them would be simply the best.

OR i could opt for a cape (i love this idea) though it's probably not as practical. there's a lovely dark grey one in snoopers at the moment, i only wish it was time to buy such warming outerwear. at least if i got it now i could hang it on my wall and stare in love and adoration.
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